Monday, July 19, 2010

4 days in the Negev (and 2 days at Muss)

wednesday july 14 we went to the Negev, which is a desert that is over 50% of israel. it is quite barren but it actually shrinking, the only place in the world with a shrinking desert is israel! woohoo! so on wednesday we went to Kibbutz Revivim, the first of the 11 kibbutzim founded, and let to the Jews being allowed to own settlements in Israel. this kibbutz Avraham Klasky. then we went on what Yossi called a "nature walk" which actually consisted of hiking out of a caynon in 110 degree weather. it was really beautiful and all but REALLY hot. but after that we went CAMEL RIDING!!! it was sooooo fun and a really great experience! camels are really ugly
:( im sorry but i thought they would be prettier. we spent the night in a bedouin tent, which is a real tent and we met a bunch of cool people and saw a very different life style.
thursday july 15 we visited kibbutz yahel. it was interesting we found out about their Pamelos for peace organization. it is really interesting, i wouldnt have thought of it, you should look it up. After that is when we went to Eilat jewlery store and oh my gosh i want diamonds!! they are soooo pretty! we did go to a really awesome disco boat! it was tiring and hot out but it was really fun to see israel in the night time, it is so beautiful.
friday july 16 we hiked a mountain in Eilat again, terribly hot. but the top was beautiful, you can see 4 countries its super cool. the way down was really really scary! it was steep and narrow path and just dangerous but no worries, i got through with just a minor cut and bruise :D then came the snokeling! sooo pretty and cool to be underwater! i am rso glad i brought my water proof camera! then shabbat services, i miss TBE services :(
saturday july 17 restful shabbat and havdallah, then back to campus.
sunday july 18 daddy's birthday and visited two battlesites.
monday july 19 we picked tomatoes for a charity called Table to Table with some israeli teens

thats it for now

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